Sales training, management consulting
Development of individual performance (management consulting, sales training, customer service training, training for cooperation improvement) are cornerstones of the corporation's effective operation.
Our consulting agency has gained experience in the following fields:
Management consulting, trainings developing management efficiency
Our colleagues possess leadership knowledge, hence they make development vivid and instantly useable by their personal experiences. We all felt excitement, waiting, fear after an appointment since beside management task tasks relating to leading people strengthen. During management consulting our trainers and coaches help in this with the following solutions:
Management consulting:
- workshop and training about identification with the manager role
- leadership communication
- leadership techniques
- manager seminar with coaching aspect
- selection training
- custom tailored development of coaching character
- custom tailored development of supervision character
Sales training, trainings developing efficiency
In case of sales organization, sales training we regard the whole value chain. After surveying the skill level we elaborate those indices (KPIs) that provide accurate picture of salespeople's performance for the corporation. Throughout the sales training we identify the competencies to be developed and plan the development, and measuring points. We have experience in development of the following types:
Sales training
- consultative sales techniques
- active sales techniques
- cross-selling techniques
- up-selling techniques
- negotiation techniques and tricks
- telesales trainings
- sales techniques for workers at the customer service
Finally a few thoughts about which questions shall be considered before sending the employees to trainings. Because it's good to be at trainings. But it is not sure that it is useful for the participant or for the company. Individual performance is influenced by many factors that are suggested to be examined before the development:
- Does lack of his/her competencies prevent him/her from achieving the objectives?
- Does he/she know the expectations? Are objectives clearly defined?
- If he/she knows the objectives does he/she possess the required skills, is he/she motivated appropriately for performing his/her job to the best of his/her ability?
- Do the organization's processes, systems support his/her work?
A number of questions arise before someone reaches a training... in case this is the most effective solution...